Originally from Calabria, Lucien Urano arrived in France at the age of 13 with just his thirst to succeed as luggage.
He was passionate about horses and horse racing and attended racetracks with his father and grandfather from an early age.
This passion remained a hobby for a long time, until the day when he decided to set up his own stables and turn his hobby into his profession in its own right jour. Lucien Urano devoted himself entirely to the adventure.
From then on, the gradual and regular acquisition of large amounts of grazing land in Normandy, broodmares from the best French stock and yearlings with prestigious origins has enabled him to set up a solid stable. The Charmes stable wasted no time in reaching the highest level.
He was rewarded by the joy of seeing his horses among the best horses of each generation : Gobernador, First de Retz and Kiss Melody, Léda d’Occagnes, Look de Star, Jaïn de Béval, Hermès de Péricard, Nahar de Béval, Nelson de Vandel, Rombaldi, etc. Lucien Urano won the biggest French and international races and was repeatedly crowned with the titles of best owner and best breeder.
In just 13 years of existence, his involvement and unwavering allowed the Charmes stable to not only earn 17 Group victories and 49 Group 2 49 victories, but also... the leading stallions.
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